Bounty Descriptions
Several different bounties can be placed on our warriors during the campaign (see the full rules for Bounties). Each bounty is fully detailed below in the following manner:
Name + descriptive text recounting the bounty
Base Prize: the starting sum of the bounty.
Escalation Rate: the value by which the bounty increases over time if not collected.
Special Rules: extra rules pertaining to the bounty, if any.
Barber Pirelli from Miragliano is irate that you have not paid for his services. He places a bounty on the warrior whom he attempted to heal or the leader of your warband if the warrior died while under Pirelli’s care.
Base Prize: The gold crowns you owe Pirelli.
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Special rules:
What are YOU doing here?: For as long as the bounty persists, your warband cannot possess a Miracle of Miragliano healing effect.
Angry Barber
A bar tab in your name has been left unpaid. The innkeeper who is owns your debt has chosen to make an example of what happens to those that do not pay by placing a bounty on your head.
Base Prize: 10 GC
Escalation Rate: 1 GC/chapter
Bar Tab
Dwarven brewer Josefferous Bugman is furious over hearing that your warband has absconded one or more barrels of his ale. This is an insult no dwarf would tolerate, so a bounty is placed on your leader’s head.
Base Prize: 25 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Special rules:
Committed Confederate: Any warband which collects this bounty can choose to forego the cash reward and gain the service of Josefferous and his rangers for one scenario of your choice instead. If you are using the Mordheim Mercenary Market rules, Josefferous will automatically choose your warband over any other. Repaying debts and assisting friends are more important to this Dramatis Personae than money.
Beer Burglar
Wolfhilde is mistakenly angry at your warrior for stealing her lover, Haug the Horrible. She places bounty on your head.
Base Prize: 10 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Special rules:
That Two Timing Cheat!: Should your warband ever obtain the Stolen Diary from the Haug’s Hideaway! Side Quest, Wolfhilde recognises that Haug has cheated on everyone with several lovers and removes the bounty.
Your warband has foiled the scheme of stevedores guildmaster, Barno Greinbach to scam folk into believing that he could directly appeal to the gods to resurrect the dead (starting with a hamster). Barno was beaten to within an inch of his life, and now uses the money he was able to fleece to place a bounty on your leader’s head.
Base Prize: 30 GC
Escalation Rate: 10 GC/chapter
Dock Boss
Your warrior has gotten into debt with various gambling rings around Mordheim that they could not (or would not) pay. Célestine Bonnoir, Cutthroat’s Den Don of gambling and prostitution routinely places bounties on cheapskates like you.
Base Prize: 20 GC
Escalation Rate: 10 GC/chapter
Gambling Debts
Your warrior was witnessed pasting pamphlets and propaganda in the Steinhart Memorial Gardens by the priesthood of Sigmar during the Memorial Procession of Sigmar’s final journey. You are being fined for such incivility!
Base Prize: 5 GC
Escalation Rate: 0 GC/chapter
Special rules:
Fine Dismissed: Should your warband ever receive a reward directly from the Sigmarite priesthood, the bounty is removed from all warriors in your warband.
Garden Littering
The supporters of the Mordheim Gauntlet Championship are deeply offended by your warrior’s flagrant disrespect of the Harlequin’s Platform as a hallowed ground for single combat. Gauntlet fans make a collection to place a bounty on your head.
Base Prize: 20 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Hooligan’s Hatred
Your warrior has either cheated on or been accused of cheating on someone they are in a relationship with. The infidelity is rewarded by having a bounty placed on your warrior’s head.
Base Prize: 10 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Jilted Lover
Your warrior or warband rightly or wrongly owes someone money. As you have refused to pay, a bounty has been placed on your head.
Base Prize: 10 GC
Escalation Rate: 1 GC/chapter
Money Owed
Men-at-arms serving Sir Faustus witnessed your warrior poking around the Thalfin Wood a little too close to the siege engines being built there. A (false) charge of poaching is placed upon your warrior.
Base Prize: 10 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Poacher’s Bounty
Preserve the Environment of Taal Alliance
Local druids spy warbands disturbing and or destroying sacred environs to Taal, god of nature and wild places. They wish to make an example of those that do not respect the old ways and take out a bounty on such warriors.
Base Prize: 25 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Special rules:
Herb Trade: the druids can pay the bounty in gold crowns or in Healing Herbs. For every 20 CG or fraction thereof that the bounty is worth the warband claiming this bounty can receive 1 dose of healing herbs. The warband must choose to be paid completely in either cash or herbs.
Your warrior was seen helping former alderman Waldor Verderbnis escape capture. Enraged citizens place a bounty on your warrior’s head.
Base Prize: 50 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Special rules:
Our Mistake: If your warband earns the Scorpion Killers Reputation, the bounty is removed from any of your warriors.
Scorpion Lover
Your warband’s support of a ruler’s fiercest rival has resulted in a bounty placed on a member of your warband. A petty revenge, but one you must deal with. This bounty is issued by either Sigmar’s Haven or Brigandsburg.
Base Prize: 15 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter
Special rules:
All Is Forgiven: Should the warband ever win a Sigmar’s Haven versus Brigandsburg scenario and claim the reward from the settlement that issued this bounty, the bounty is removed.
Sore Loser
Someone does not like the fact that your warband is investigating what happened to the former watch captain, Hugo Verteidiger. Warriors discovering objectives to this side quest are sent word not to disclose what they have uncovered or suffer a bounty placed on their heads. (too late!)
Base Prize: 20 GC
Escalation Rate: 10 GC/chapter
Special rules:
Hugo’s Rescue: Should the Verteidiger’s Revenge side quest conclude with Hugo alive, the captain personally makes sure that this bounty is removed from all who suffer it.
Hugo’s Demise: If the side quest ends with Hugo dead, bounties remain for all warriors except for those of the winning warband. As the faction paying the bounty no longer needs to stifle investigations, escalation rates drop to zero, but the bounties remain to spite those who helped Verteidiger and his allies.
Stop Poking Around
A trumped up excuse (maybe) has been made about your warrior and funds gathered to extract justice. Whether guilty or not, a bounty is placed on their head.
Base Prize: 10 GC
Escalation Rate: 5 GC/chapter