Character Index

Below are detailed all the characters found in Mayhem in Mordheim, from the villains and allies our warriors fight with or against, to the folk and personages warbands interact and contend with off the battlefield. Sections below include:

Hired Swords

Dramatis Personae


Story Characters

Each section fully details the characters in question. Within scenarios shortened versions of the these characters often appear to save space. Enough details are provided to play the game with links to the full descriptions below.

Hired Swords

Anaranil, Elf Ranger

This fey hunter has set out to take revenge against an evil cult of death in the area around Mordheim. The elf will not discuss why.


5 4 5 3 3 1 6 1 8

Morr Score Value (optional): Hero.

Equipment: Elf bow, sword and Elven cloak.

May be Hired: Mercenaries and Witch Hunters may hire Anaranil. Hiring fee 40 GC, upkeep 20 GC. When the game ends, if the warband that Anaranil assisted can hire Elf Rangers they can directly hire Anaranil by paying the recruitment fee. Warbands which include Dwarfs may hire Elf Rangers, but must pay 40 gold crowns after each battle instead of 20. Anaranil earns 1 experience point in this game. If you are using the Mordheim Mercenary Market optional rules Anaranil can enter the market if not hired.

Rating: An Elf Ranger increases the warband’s rating by 12 points plus 1 point for each Experience point.

Feather in My Cap Experience (optional): 11

Skills: none to begin with.

Special Rules:

Seeker: When rolling on the Exploration chart, Anaranil allows you to modify one dice roll by -1/+1.

Excellent Sight: Elves have eyesight unmatched by mere humans. The Elf Ranger spots Hidden enemies from two times as far away as other warriors (ie, twice their Initiative value in inches).

Scorpion Hunter: Anaranil Hates all Scorpion Cultists. The Elf must attack any cultists in line of sight by shooting or close combat. If using the Mercenary Serious Injury Table, consider any roll of 3+ as Comes With the Job after any battle during which Anaranil was able to attack a Scorpion Cultist.

Special Skills: An Elf Ranger may choose from Shooting and Speed skills when they gain a new skill. In addition, there are several skills unique to Elf Rangers as detailed below, which can be chosen instead of normal skills. Note that these special skills can only be acquired through experience. They are not possessed by Anaranil yet:

Fey: Hostile magic spells will not affect the Elf on a D6 roll of 4+.

Luck: The Elf Ranger is blessed by Lileath, the Elven goddess of luck. Once per game re-roll any dice roll of your choice (but not one made by other members of the warband).

Buzz “pit bull” Kopfschaden, Pit Fighter

An itinerant pit fighter, Buzz travels from city to city earning his keep in fighting pits. Having taken many head shots over his career, Buzz’ memory often fails him.


4 4 3 4 4 1 4 2 6

Morr Score Value (optional): Hero.

Save: none (helmet 4+ against stun)

Equipment: Morning star, spiked gauntlet, helmet.

May be hired: By any warband except Undead, Skaven, and Orcs & Goblins.

Hiring fee: Bidding for Buzz starts at 35 GC.

Upkeep cost: 15 GC each turn paid during the post battle sequence.

Warband Rating Modifier: +25 plus 1/experience point.

Feather In My Cap Experience (optional): 20

Skills: Weapons Training (Buzz may pick from Combat, Strength and Speed skills)

Special Rules:

Spiked Gauntlet: Spiked gauntlet counts as an additional hand weapon and a buckler.

Immune to fear: Buzz has seen it all. He fears nothing.

Bone Head: Buzz has taken quite a few blows to his skull over the years. During the post battle sequence of any game in which he did not go out of action roll a D6. On the roll of a 1 Buzz forgets that you already paid him upkeep this week and demands it once more. Pay 30 GC for upkeep this turn or he leaves your warband. On the roll of a 6 he thinks that you have paid him in advance this week’s wages. Upkeep is 0 GC this turn. On any other result he remembers correctly, pay 15 GC upkeep normally.

Mercenary Market: If you are using the optional Mordheim Mercenary Market rules, Buzz will offer to directly join the winning warband if your warband can hire pit fighters. During the post battle sequence pay just his hiring fee of 35 GC (no need for bidding). Otherwise the Pit Bull will become available on the mercenary market for everyone next turn.

Drogar the Slayer, troll slayer

A Dwarf from the Slayer cult of the World’s Edge mountains. Hearing stories of demons and monsters walking the streets, Drogar is hoping to meet his bloody end in ruins and environs of Mordheim.


3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9

Save: -

Equipment: Two Dwarf Axes. Drogar refuses to be equipped with anything else, spitting on other weapons and becoming insulted if offered armour.

May be hired: Human warbands may hire Drogar.

Hiring Fee: Bidding for Drogar starts at 25 GC.

Upkeep Cost: 10 GC each turn paid during the post battle sequence.

Warband Rating Modifier: +12 plus 1/experience point.

Feather In My Cap Experience (optional): 8

Skills: none to begin with. Drogar may choose from Combat, Strength and special Troll Slayer skills.

Morr Score Value (optional): Hero.

Special Rules:

Death wish: Drogar seeks an honourable death in combat. He is completely Immune to Psychology and never makes All Alone Tests.

Hard to Kill: Drogar can only be taken out of action on a D6 roll of 6 instead of 5-6 when rolling on the Injury Chart. Treat a roll of 5 as stunned.

Hard Head: Drogar ignores the special rules for maces, clubs etc. (but not critical hit results).

My Destiny!: In any game where Drogar goes out of action while in close combat, he will automatically stick with your warband should he survive. Any roll higher than 2 on the Mercenary Serious Injury Table is considered to be the Comes With the Job result. However, should Drogar go out of action during any battle without getting into close combat at least once, any result on the Mercenary Serious Injury Table that is not Dead is considered to be one category lower than the result rolled (down to a minimum of Screw This!).

Troll Slayer Skills:

Ferocious Charge: The Dwarf may double his attacks on the turn in which he charges. He will suffer a -1 to hit penalty on that turn.

Monster Slayer: The Troll Slayer always wounds any opponent on a D6 roll of 4+, regardless of Toughness, unless his own Strength (with weapon modifiers) would mean that a lower result than this is needed.

Berserker: The Dwarf may add +1 to his to hit rolls during the turn in which he charges.

Range: Close Combat Strength: As User

Special Rules:

Dwarf Axe

Cutting Edge: Dwarf axes have an extra save modifier of -1, so a model with Strength 4 using a Dwarf axe has a -2 save modifier when he hits an opponent with the axe in close combat.

Parry: Dwarf axes offer an excellent balance of defence and offence. A model armed with a Dwarf axe may parry blows just like a sword can.

Erkenbrand Bellyfoot is a halfling scout who, along with his cousins Tristone and Isoldely, are looking to go on a grand adventure. The trio got split up when raided by the Bastardly Bandits outlaw gang. Erkenbrand is selling his services while looking for his cousins.

Erkenbrand Bellyfoot


4 2 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

Morr Score Value (optional): Hero.

Save: (helmet 4+ against stun)

Equipment: Bow, dagger, cooking pot (counts as helmet).

May be hired: By any human, dwarf, or elf warbands.

Hiring Fee: Bidding for Erkenbrand starts at 15 GC

Upkeep Cost: 5 GC each turn paid during the post battle sequence.

Warband Rating Modifier: +5 plus 1/experience point.

Feather In My Cap Experience (optional): 0

Skills: none to begin with. Erkenbrand may pick from Speed and Shooting skills.

Special Rules:

Kin Ties: Erkenbrand will never attack either of his cousins, Tristone and Isoldely. Should warriors of the warband Erkenbrand is serving in charge or shoot his cousins, he will abandon the warband and fight the rest of the game for the warband his cousin serves in before returning to the Mordheim Mercenary Market. If Tristone or Isoldely are attacked by any model, Erkenbrand must move as directly as possible to charge the model fighting his kin.

Cook: Halflings are renowned for their cooking skills. A warband with Erkenbrand may increase its maximum size by +1, as warriors from all around are attracted by the smell of great food! This does not increase the maximum number of heroes you may have.

Ghitar the Brewer, Warlock

A hedge magician from Sylvania, Ghitar’s magic tradition includes the brewing of potions.


4 2 2 3 3 1 4 1 8

Save: -

Equipment: Carries a Staff (use as club) and a Dagger.

May be hired: Any warband except Witch Hunters and Sisters of Sigmar may hire Ghitar. 

Hiring Fee: Bidding for Ghitar starts at 30 GC

Upkeep Cost: 20 GC each turn paid during the post battle sequence.

Warband Rating Modifier: +16 plus 1/experience point.

Feather In My Cap Experience (optional): 11

Skills: none to begin with. Ghitar chooses from Academic skills or may randomly roll a new spell or potion.

Spells: The first player to hire Ghitar randomly generates one spell from the Lesser Magic list and one Potion (see Boil & Bubble).

Morr Score Value (optional): Hero.

Special Rules:

Cash or Shard: Ghitar accepts gold, but warpstone will keep this spell caster more faithful to your warband. Whenever you pay a warpstone shard for upkeep instead of 20 Gold Crowns, the next instance that Ghitar goes out of action do not roll on the Mercenary Serious Injury Table, but make a Serious Injury Roll as if for a henchman in your warband. As long as Ghitar does not die, the brewer automatically sticks with your warband.

Boil & Bubble: Ghitar brews one of every potion the warlock knows for each battle. During the game Ghitar can either use or give potions to any hero in base contact. The potion can be applied immediately or added to the hero’s miscellaneous items for later use (including future games). When Ghitar gains a new skill, you can choose to randomly generate a new potion or lesser magic spell instead. Should you roll a potion already known, you may either roll again or choose to be able to make two of these potions every battle. Any potion which needs to be consumed (potions 3–6) have no effect on Undead or Demons (Possessed models).


1. Flash Bomb. This alchemical liquid is placed in a glass vial that can be smashed to the ground in front of a charging opponent. The charger must make an immediate Initiative Test or be temporarily blinded. A failed test counts as a failed charge. The convenience of throwing the glass vial is such that a flash bomb may be used against chargers a warrior could normally intercept as well as opponents charging them or any friendly model in base contact.

2. Fire Potion. This incendiary goo placed within a glass bottle explodes when exposed to air (by smashing the bottle). The Fire Potion can be thrown in the shooting phase just like Blessed Water. If the potion hits, the target takes D3 Strength 4 hits with no armour saves, and catches fire on 4+ of an additional roll*.

3. Focus Infusion. A tonic which stills any twitches and relaxes tension in the muscles and mind. For the rest of the battle the warrior who drinks the focus infusion gains a +1 to hit bonus for all shooting and close combat attacks.

4. Healing Potion. Upon swallowing this draught a warrior is magically brought back to full Wounds.

5. Berserker Brew. The warrior consuming this potion becomes subject to Frenzy.

6. Painless Potion. This magical mixture eliminates all pain for a hero without numbing them, increasing Toughness by +1 for the game. The potion can take you above your racial limits. Additionally the warrior treats all stunned results as knocked down. However, heroes under its influence do not realise the damage occurring to their bodies; should they go out of action, they must roll twice for serious injuries, taking the lower result.

Mongo the Ogre

An unusually astute ogre, Mongo hails from the wild west of the Border Princes where he has served as a mercenary for several petty lords.


6 3 2 4 4 3 3 2 7

Save: 6+

Equipment: Double-handed weapon and Light Armour.

May be hired: Any warband except Skaven may hire Mongo. 

Hiring Fee: Bidding for Mongo starts at 80 GC 

Upkeep Cost: 30 GC each turn paid during the post battle sequence.

Warband Rating Modifier: +25 plus 1/experience point.

Feather In My Cap Experience (optional): 20

Skills: Weapons Training. Mongo chooses from Combat and Strength skills.

Morr Score Value (optional): Leader.

Special Rules:

Fear: Ogres are large, threatening creatures that cause Fear.

Large Target: Ogres are Large Targets as defined in the shooting rules.

Quick Witted (optional): Unlike others of his kind, Mongo earns advances normally if using Feather in My Cap rules.

Just a Pawn: Mongo is prone to unusually deep thoughts for an ogre about his place in life which are just beyond the capacity of his brain to grasp. The ogre is subject to Stupidity, but only once per game. After suffering its effects Mongo no longer needs to make stupidity checks. 

Morghul “the Bugbear”, Human Wretch

A scar covered warrior who rarely speaks, has a disturbing, unblinking gaze, and smells really bad. But he fights for next to nothing!


4 3 3 3 4 2 3 1 10

Morr Score Value (optional): Hero.

Save: -

Equipment: 2 daggers. Morghul will never fight with any weapon other than daggers.

May be hired: Any warband. 

Hiring Fee: 5 GC 

Upkeep Cost: 1 GC each turn paid during the post battle sequence.

Warband Rating Modifier: +20 plus 1/experience point.

Feather In My Cap Experience (optional): 12

Skills: none to begin with. Morghul chooses from Combat and Speed skills.

Special Rules:

Dark Secret: Morghul is a Scorpion Cultist given the mission to infiltrate warbands in order to find missing Dark Artefacts and to kidnap sacrificial victims for the cult’s rituals (which is why he asks for so little payment. In fact, he only does so because he thinks it would be suspicious not to). Should a warband Morghul is serving ever come into possession of a dark artefact, Morghul will begin the next game fighting for the warband’s opponent, deploying with them for free! If all warbands possess dark artefacts, Morghul starts the battle in the center of the table and acts like a Scorpion Cultist (use a cultist’s That Does Not Belong To You rule instead of the one below).

I Don’t Mind: Morghul automatically passes any Psychology Test.

Maniacal Frenzy: During battles Morghul whips himself into a state of Frenzy. His extreme state of fervour causes a stunned result on the injury table to be changed to knocked down. After being knocked down, Morghul looses frenzy and can be stunned normally.

Dead or Alive?: Roll serious injuries for Morghul as if he were a henchmen. If you are using the Mordheim Mercenary Market rules, should Morghul ever die from serious injuries, he returns to the market sporting a new disfiguring scar (!?). Whenever Morghul survives he automatically sticks with your warband.

That Does Not Belong To You: Morghul attempts to capture Dark Artefacts on the battlefield. If one or more are present, Morghul abandons the warband he is serving and must run the shortest distance towards the closest dark artefact attempting to possess it. Morghul can run even when enemy models are within 8” but enemies can intercept Morghul as if he were charging. Morghul activates during the turn of the warband which does not control the Dark Artefact. The warriors of the warband he began the game serving cannot attack or charge Morghul until he controls a dark artefact or attacks one of their own models.

  When in combat with warriors that do not control dark artefacts, he will automatically escape from combat, during his movement phase. Still make a Leadership test, if failed Morghul’s opponent gets 1 automatic hit, but should Morghul survive he does not flee and runs toward the dark artefact, stopping when coming into base contact.

  Morghul can only control one dark artefact (as a carried item). When doing so, Morghul must move toward the closest table edge attempting to escape the battlefield with the relic. If he succeeds or the game ends while Morghul controls a dark artefact, the relic is Lost to the Cult. Morghul cannot attempt to secure an uncontrolled artefact.

Odious Incidents: Citizens that your warband come into contact with sometimes go missing while Morghul is serving your warband. Keep track of how many chapters Morghul has served you. After your second game with Morghul, roll a D6 each post battle sequence after serious injuries, if Morghul does not die. Should the result be less than the number chapters Morghul has served you, your warband gains the Forbidding Fortuity Reputation.

Dramatis Personae


Aldreda the Albino, Scorpion cultist

Driven mad from years of abuse, Aldreda found an outlet for her anger in the Scorpion Cult. Out of revenge for the cruelty inflicted upon her in her earlier life, Aldreda reserves a special sadism for men.


6 3 2 4 4 3 3 2 7

Equipment: 2 daggers

Special Rules:

Morr Score Value (optional): Hero.

Unnerving: Due to her unnaturally pale skin, red eye color, and her raucous laughter in combat, Aldreda causes fear.

Maniacal Frenzy: Aldreda has whipped herself into a state of Frenzy. The extreme state of fervour causes Aldreda to treat a stunned result on the injury table as knocked down. After being knocked down, she looses her frenzy.

Gone Girl: Whenever Aldreda takes a male warrior out of action, if there are no other enemies within charge range she will not move during the next player’s recovery phase, choosing instead to make four extra ritualised cuts into the warrior’s body and leave a drop of their blood onto the ground from each cut. The warrior must add +1 to their post battle serious injury roll if a henchmen. Heroes first roll serious injury dice and must use the lower result on either dice as the “tens” of the roll.

  Aldreda continues moving on the following recovery phase if possible.

Fester of Snotlings

This small group of snotlings has lost its way into the region and are trying to find a space to grow their fester.


4 2 2 1 1 3 3 =W 4

Use a 40mm x 40mm base to represent the fester.

Morr Score Value (optional): Hero.

Special Rules: 

Immune to Psychology

Hard to Hit: Snotlings are quick, small, and good at using surrounding plants, rocks, and holes to avoid attacks. All attacks have a -1 to hit the fester and additionally the snotlings are always considered to have cover against shooting attacks.

Fungus attack: Snotlings attack by lobbing poisonous fungus at all models they can. In the shooting phase of your warband they target your warriors with as many of pieces of fungus as they have wounds remaining, at a range of 6” (all fungus attacks are considered short range). Hitting enemies with fungus is also their only close combat attack(s). The snotlings will try and target as many victims as possible and will only launch more than one attack at a single model if there is no other choice. The snotlings can still lob fungus in the shooting phase while in close combat, but only at models which are not in base contact. For every model in close combat they will have one less shooting attack.

Anyone hit by the fungus must take a toughness test or fall unconscious, becoming out of action for the game. After the battle there is no need to roll for injury, the model automatically suffers the robbed result on the hero’s serious injury table as several snotlings strip the model naked. This applies to henchmen as well as heroes. Out of action henchmen must be re-equipped before they can used in future battles.

Easy to scatter: upon loosing its last wound the snotling swarm automatically goes out of action.