Dark Artefact Descriptions

Soul Sapphires
Jade Scarb
Onyx Skull

The Scorpion Dagger

An unnaturally black blade, this dagger is etched with ancient Araby runes. The handle is slightly curved and is designed in the shape of a scorpion’s tail with the stinger as the dagger’s pommel.

Range: close combat

Strength: As user 

+1 Enemy armour save: An enemy wounded by a dagger gains a +1 bonus to his armour save, and a 6+ armour save if he has none normally.

Dark Artefact: The Scorpion Dagger follows all rules for Dark Artefacts.

Special Rules


Causing a wound with the Scorpion Dagger invokes the artefact’s dark powers for the game. Unless stated otherwise, all powers both equal to and below the artefact’s current MVP value affect the user when invoked.

Using the Scorpion Dagger spawns the Blood Rage; feelings of anger, aggression, and fury in its user. The higher the MVP score of the scorpion dagger the more dangerous the warrior wielding the blade is to both their enemies, allies, and to themselves. A hero can only be affected by Blood Rage once per game. 

Dark Powers

Blood Rage 0 MVP: the hero becomes subject to frenzy. A warrior in blood rage may only use the Scorpion Dagger for all attacks (so no off-hand attacks). The hero treats a stunned result suffered on the injury table as knocked down. After being knocked down the warrior looses their blood rage.

Blood Rage 1 MVP: the hero senses the pulse of beings around them. Living enemy models (not undead) within charge range cannot hide from the warrior and are successfully charged even when not in line of sight (no initiative test needed) or hiding. However, the warrior begins to loose sight of who is friend and foe. While they will not charge unengaged friendly models, warriors in blood rage must charge the largest number of models possible, including close combats with friendly models involved. While in blood rage, warriors must always divide their attacks as evenly as possible among all models in base contact, including friendly ones. Players can choose against whom the odd remaining attack(s) after division is targeted.

Blood Rage 2 MVP: the hero boils with unholy endurance. Increase Toughness by +1 while in close combat. This can raise the warrior’s T score above their racial maximums. Should the hero go out of action while in blood rage they must make two rolls on the serious injury table and take the lower result. Healing Effects will no longer function on heroes taken out of action while in blood rage.

Blood Rage 3 MVP: the hero is overtaken by a savage recklessness and blind bloodlust. They no longer loose their blood rage until the game ends. Increase the warrior’s Attack Characteristic by +1 (then doubled since they are frenzied!). This can raise the warrior’s A-score above their racial maximums. 

  At end of your hero’s turn make a Leadership test. If successful, nothing happens. If the test is failed rolled a D6 and apply the result to the warrior:

1–2: Your hero becomes controlled by the opposing player as if they were a member of their warband during their next turn. If there are more than one opponent, players roll off to see who controls your hero.

3–4: If unengaged, the hero takes an extra charge move which must be made towards the closest model regardless of who it is, engaging in close combat if possible. If engaged, the hero attempts to escape from combat to move towards/charge the closed model friend or foe. Fight an additional round of close combat.

5–6: As 3–4 above, but the hero will only move towards, or charge the closest enemy model.