The Araby Merchant

Chapter 1

Scenario 3: The Araby Merchant

Ahmeen, a merchant from far away Araby is expected to arrive any day now. His merchant friend, Linus Fremdliebeman will pay a warband to safely conduct Ahmeen to Sigmar’s Haven as he approaches Mordheim. Unbeknownst to Linus, Gunkil “the Beggar King” Stodderkonge, who operates the area’s largest extortion operation, wishes to “have a meeting” with Ahmeen and is willing to reward a warband that escorts the tradesman to Cutthroat’s Den first. 

Both patrons would be surprised to learn that the Bastardly Bandits gang has already planned to steal the goods of this rich newcomer and has tricked the Araby merchant into an ambush within the ruined city. Warbands arrive just as the outlaws spring their trap.

- Written by Timo Kurvi

Scenario Summation
  • An urban battle over control of Ahmeen, the Araby Merchant, and his goods.

  • The warband which controls the Araby Merchant at the end of the battle wins the game.  

  • The game ends when either only one warband remains or Ahmeen is escorted off the table.

  • A warband controlling Ahmeen does not take rout tests and cannot voluntarily rout.

  • Whether you win or loose, the warband which returns the most recovered booty can earn a Loyalty Point.

  • Booty can instead be kept for a random piece of equipment.

  • a Loyalty Symbol is present in the game.

  • Optional Victory Value: 1

  • Experience

What You Need For The Game
  • Cart/wagon model or a roughly 3”x 5” marker representing it.

  • Model for Ahmeen, the Araby Merchant (optionally a model for Haug the Horrible)

  • 6 markers for booty

  • Urban terrain

Reward Sigmar’s Haven

20 Gold Crowns (+ possibly a Loyalty Point)

Reward Cutthroat’s Den

1 dose of Black Lotus poison  (+ possibly a Loyalty Point)

In the center of the table place a model or marker for the Araby Merchant’s cart/wagon with a model for Ahmeen the Araby Merchant within the wagon. Although Haug the Horrible does not directly take part in this game, you can place a model for him in base contact with Ahmeen for visual completeness. Set up the rest of the table with Mordheim (urban) terrain normally

Next place 6 booty markers. Starting with whoever has the lowest warband rating, players take turns placing one booty marker within 6” of the merchant cart and at least 3” away from each other.

Terrain (urban)

Warbands deploy normally, by rolling off.

Random Fortune

No random fortune in this scenario.

Live to Flee Another Day: Haug “the Horrible” is having a bad day. With the arrival of warbands his bandits have beat a hasty retreat leaving him alone with the merchant. Haug, however, is used to being in tight spots and often charms his way out of dangerous encounters. He uses Ahmeen to protect himself from missile fire, so no shooting attacks can be made against him.

  Once the merchant wagon is successfully charged Haug makes his escape (remove his model if you had one). He does so by distracting attackers, shoving Ahmeen off the wagon and throwing the Great Seal of Mordheim, a Loyalty Symbol, in the opposite direction. Roll a scatter die and move Ahmeen’s model in the direction indicated 1” away from the wagon. Then place a carried item marker representing the great seal 1” away from the wagon exactly opposite the merchant. The charging warrior can no longer move or act this turn.

Special Rules

Save me!: Ahmeen cannot be attacked in this scenario (warriors need him alive to collect their reward). The merchant will not move on his own but warriors coming into base contact can control him as a carried item for the purposes of this game with the exception that Ahmeen can only be moved a maximum of 8” during a player’s turn. Moving Ahmeen off the table via your deployment zone secures him for your warband. Should Ahmeen be uncontrolled when the game ends make a recovery roll for uncontrolled carried items to determine who secures him to win the game.

Spurred to Victory: A warband that controls the Araby Merchant does not take rout tests and cannot voluntarily rout (their warriors are inspired by triumph being close at hand).

Recovering Goods: As the Bastardly Bandits fled the field they left behind the crates and bags they had removed from Ahmeen’s cart, represented by the six booty markers on the table. Booty markers are all carried items. At the end of the game warbands controlling booty can choose to return the merchant’s wares or keep some for themselves, see Who Loves Booty? below. In any case, remember to recover uncontrolled carried items for any markers not in base contact when the battle ends.

Starting the Game

Determine order of play normally, by rolling off.

The game ends when either all warbands but one have routed or the Araby Merchant is lead off the battlefield through a warband’s own deployment zone. The warband which either controls Ahmeen’s model or has secured him by escorting the merchant off the table, wins the game. Choose between the two rewards representing which patron you deliver Ahmeen to. Should Ahmeen be uncontrolled at the game’s end, make recovery rolls for uncontrolled carried items to determine who secures him.

Ending the Game

All warbands, whether having won or lost, have the choice returning/gifting secured booty to either Sigmar’s Haven (back to Ahmeen) or Cutthroat’s Den (the Beggar King). Alternatively they can keep some or all of the crates for themselves. Each player secretly writes down how much booty they will return and to whom. Warbands can only choose one settlement to give booty to. All players reveal their numbers simultaneously. The player that gives the most booty to a camp earns a Loyalty Point for that settlement. If the amount of returned booty is tied, the loyalty point for Sigmar’s Haven goes to the warband who secured Ahmeen and for Cutthroat’s Den to the warband which secured the Great Seal of Mordheim. If neither apply, randomly determine which of the tied warbands receives loyalty (yeah, that sucks, but what can you do? Merchants and crime bosses can be fickle).

  After booty reveals, for every crate of booty warbands do not return/gift roll a D6 on the I Love Booty! table to see what they have found. Each item can be found multiple times.

Who Loves Booty?

1 Toxic Scarab. Choose a hero to take a toughness test. If they pass the test, they become immune to poison. If they fail, they miss the next game (or an additional game if they must miss games due to serious injuries).

2 Araby trinket. A single use +1 bonus to any Haggle test or Leadership test on the Exploration Chart.

3-4 Exotic dried fruits. Worth 5 gold crowns when sold.

5 Cathayan wooden idol. Functions as a Lucky Charm

6 Scimitar. Can be sold for 10 GC or equipped by any warrior who can use swords.

I Love Booty! Table

+1 Survives

+1 to the Winning Leader(s)

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action

+1 Hero if they can be the first to charge the Merchant Wagon


Scenario Item Descriptions

The Great Seal of Mordheim was used by Count Amadeus Steinhardt himself to certify laws and official statements of the city. Any settlement would be overjoyed to possess this symbol of power, but the seal is especially significant to Sir Faustus von Reikwald. In addition to the normal benefits conferred by loyalty symbols, should the Great Seal of Mordheim be gifted to Sigmar’s Haven, Sir Faustus will double the reward of any scenario offered by “his” settlement. If the warband does not play a Sigmar’s Haven scenario during the turn the loyalty symbol is gifted, Faustus forgets who gave him the seal and this additional reward is discarded.

Great Seal of Mordheim

A bladed weapon from Araby which is quite rare this far north.

Range: Close Combat; Strength: As user;  Critical wound: Bladed 

Sword proficiency: Any warrior capable of using a sword can use a scimitar. The weapon has all the same rules as a sword with the following addition:

Special Rules: 

Slice: the curved blade of a scimitar causes deadly cutting wounds, but is weak against worn armour. Whenever making a critical hit against a model without worn armour add +1 to the roll on the critical hit chart. Against models equipped with such armour the scimitar gains no bonus and never eliminates armour saves. Worn armour is defined as any of the following: light, heavy, ithilmar, gromril, barding, and chaos armour (toughened leather is not good enough to count).

Victory Value (optional): 1
Post Game
  • Remember to secure any uncontrolled carried items when the game ends. This can possibly be treasure chests, booty markers, a loyalty symbol, or Ahmeen the Araby Merchant.

  • The winner of the game can choose one of the settlement rewards. 

  • Return booty for a chance to earn a Loyalty Point.

  • After returning booty, roll to see what prizes you earn from the booty you keep.

  • Fill out your end of turn data sheet and send it to your campaign administrator.

Chapter 1 - The Arrival of Warbands