Chance Encounter

(Down-On-Their-Luck Scenario)

Chance Encounter Scenario

This scenario is from the Mordheim rulebook, with slight modifications.

Warbands have had a fruitful day, each discovering a fair amount of wyrdstone. By chance they happen upon one another. Overcome by “twin-tailed fever”, warriors covet the wyrdstone of their opponents and charge into battle.

  • Down-on-their-luck scenario.

  • A straight up fight in which each warband begins with 2 extra wyrdstone shards in their possession.

  • The first 2 heroes of each warband to go out of action drops a wyrdstone shard on the battlefield as a carried item.

  • The extra wyrdstone shards are each worth 1 scenario victory point.

  • The game ends when only one warband remains.

  • The warband with most victory points wins the game.

  • Optional Victory Value: 1

  • Experience

Scenario Summation

What You Need For The Game



There are no rewards for winning the game, but successfully stealing your opponent’s wyrdstone is a reward in and of itself.



The type of terrain, urban or rural, is already determined. Set up the terrain normally.

Divide the table into four equal quarters. Each player Rolls Off the highest deploying their warband anywhere into a quarter of their choice. Their opponent then deploys in the direct opposite quarter, making sure no warrior is placed closer than 14” of an enemy model. Should a third warband deploy, they can choose from the two remaining quarters in which to deploy in the same way.


After deployment place Random Fortune Markers normally. If you are playing the scenario during campaign turns 1-9 roll a D66 on the Random Fortune Table when determining random fortune discoveries. If you are playing campaign turn 10+ roll a D100.

Random Fortune

Wyrdstone Endowment: Each warband starts with 2 Wyrdstone Shards held by their heroes, the Wyrdstone Bearers. Should your warband be unable to field two heroes, then henchmen are granted the honour to replace the missing bearers. Players do not know which of their models are bearing shards, but as it happens, the first two heroes of each warband to go out of action turn out to be wyrdstone bearers. They drop their shard onto the battlefield as a Carried Item. Replace the hero’s model with a Wyrdstone Marker. Any warband securing the marker gains the wyrdstone. 

  Any wyrdstone bearer which does not go out of action, secures their wyrdstone for their warband when the battle ends. Each of these shards is worth 1 scenario victory point for the scenario. Wyrdstone which is in your treasury at the start of the game do not award scenario victory points.

Special Rules

I Swear I Had It!: Should any warband voluntarily rout before any of their wyrdstone bearers have gone out of action they automatically loose one of their shards to winner of the game. The hero bearing the wyrdstone accidentally dropped it…or perhaps used it as a bribe to get away.

Wyrdstone Rich Location: The first roll on the Random Fortune Table during the game can be replaced by a Wyrdstone Marker, if the player wishes. This Carried Item is one wyrdstone shard and is worth 1 scenario victory point to the warband which secures it.

Starting the Game

Players Roll Off adding the Initiative Score of their leader. The player with the higher score has the first turn.

When all warbands but one have failed their Rout Tests, the game ends. 

  Warbands secure any wyrdstone their Wyrdstone Bearers still possess (should only 0-1 wyrdstone bearers go out of action) plus any wyrdstone markers they control or recover. Each of these shards is worth 1 scenario victory point (in addition to being wyrdstone!). The warband with the most scenario victory points wins. If victory points are tied, no one wins.

  Note that any wyrdstone from previous campaign chapters (like those initially inside storage containers) are not worth any victory points in this scenario.

Ending the Game

+1 Survives

+1 to the Winning Leader

+1 Per Enemy Out of Action


Post Game

Down-on-their-luck Scenarios